

Welcome to VOID AR

VOID AR is devoted to the continuous development of new AR technology in order to fulfill the AR developers with ultimate imaginaries, creativities and more high quality AR contents.
You can learn to use our products from here if you are trying VOID AR for the first time.

Introduction of Prefab(Videoplay)

Function: An expansion function based on the ImageTarget, the display object is replaced with video.


Binding Script: VideoPlayBehaviour

    Path: Video resource directory.

        Local video file should be stored in folder "StreamingAssets", and fill in the full name of the video file(xx.mp4); 

        Fill in the full url address if you try to use internet video resource( https://www.voidar.net/images/640_360.mp4 )

    Loop: AutoRewind or not;

    Auto Scale: Determines the video size depending on marker or user-defined (checked for auto-size; non-checked for user-defined size);

    Scale Mode: Support mode FILL, FIT, FIT_WIDTH and FIT_HEIGHT depends on user’s demand;

        FILL: The video will be stretched to the same size of the marker in this mode; 

        FIT: Keep the width-height ratio of the video to fit the maximum size to the marker; 

        FIT_WIDTH: Same width as the the marker; 

        FIT_HEIGHT: Same Height as the the marker;

        Caution: If there is blank area after re-size the video, it will be filled with black color.